Meet Nicole

Meet Nicole

For more than 20 years Nicole has endured high triglycerides, abdominal pain, pancreatitis, xanthomas (localized lipid deposits), brain fog and fatigue.
She tried to find a doctor who could put a name to her condition, only to be told she was an alcoholic or made poor lifestyle choices. After years of searching, Nicole finally found a team of doctors and nurses who understood her condition.

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I have been diagnosed with FCS
I have been diagnosed with sHTG
I have triglycerides ≥ 500 mg/dL
I am a caregiver for someone with sHTG or FCS
I am a healthcare professional

By clicking below, I agree that Ionis Pharmaceuticals and its subsidiaries may use the information I'm submitting to provide me with information about severe hypertriglyceridemia (sHTG) and familial chylomicronemia syndrome (FCS). I understand that all personal information I've submitted will be kept confidential in accordance with Ionis' privacy policy and I agree to the terms of use.

Show References
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